About Finvezto Stock Research

Why Join Finvezto Stock Research?

I am Anand Ganapathy (SEBI Registered Research Analyst INH000016630).

I started investing in stocks back in 2011. It was hard to find good reliable advice about the stock market back then.

I had to figure things out on my own. Made a lot of mistakes along the way. It was a tough & costly learning process (in terms of energy, time and money spent).

As your partner in building wealth, my objective is to help you:

- make informed investing & trading decisions - avoid blunders & commit fewer mistakes - minimize regrets by doing the essential things - save energy, time and money by closing the wrong doors right from the start

The safety of your capital is paramount to me as much as mine.

We offer the following services. Please click on each link to know more.

Long Term Investing through Mutual Funds (5+ Years)

Medium Term Stock Recommendations

Short Term Trading Strategies, Concepts & Deep Dives

Toolkit for Stock Research

Newsletter to keep you in the loop

About Me

I am Anand Ganapathy K, a SEBI registered research analyst INH000016630.

I am a Post Graduate in Business Management & Administration from IIM Ahmedabad (2014-16). During my corporate career, I worked alongside 2 CEOs of publicly listed companies assisting them with decision-making through actionable dashboards.

I have been investing in the markets since 2011. Got lucky with some investments over time. In 2019, I switched to full-time investing and trading after accumulating enough capital.

Guiding Principles and How I Work

Let me be clear upfront:

  • I work only for Finvezto Stock Research subscribers. I earn money only when you subscribe.

  • I do not promote any stockbroker or other financial intermediaries.

  • I'm independent. My views are unbiased and are not influenced by any financial entity.

  • I do not distribute any mutual funds or financial products.

  • Stock research is what I spend most of my day on. It is what I love doing.

  • 90% of my net worth is in equities. The remaining 10% is a buffer for hedging.

  • Your privacy matters. I don't sell your contact info or any details to others.

  • I use the tools and research myself to manage my portfolio.

We offer unbiased, evidence-based stock research to help you make better decisions.

Last updated